Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Wednesday Word Count 3

My goal is for me to spend at least an hour on my poetry and/or revisit a story I have been wanting to work on for a while but haven't pushed myself to do. I really think this exercise will help me get back into writing.

What am I working on? :

I am still working on my Narrative Assignment, but I'm also trying out different forms of poetry. My narrative's middle plot needs some work.

How do I feel about the process? :

I can't seem to get some events for the short story right. I tend to drop a character into a plot and see how it goes, with little to no idea of how to story will end up. I have reached a point in the plot where I can't seem to go around it though because I need to keep the audience interested. I'm going to keep working on some ideas that may allow it to flow better.

What am I reading now? :

I am still rereading Pedro Paramo, and a few poems here and there from the book I previously mentioned Milk and Honey.


  1. Sometimes it's good to do something that increases the conflict or adds a complication. And every once in a while something happens so that the character does something that we (the writer) don't expect. That's one of my favorite writing moments, when the characters seem to develop a mind of their own.
